Category: Transition into Tech podcast

  • David Renton: ‘Tech has given me a newfound self-worth’

    David Renton: ‘Tech has given me a newfound self-worth’

    I met David Renton over coffee at the WebSummit in Lisbon; we had arranged to get together to chat about his transition from cabinet maker (yes, as in kitchen cabinets) to project manager working for Genesys, a well known customer experience and call center technology company. David’s story is one of deep personal transformation fuelled…

  • Syk Houdeib: ‘Front-end dev… I still have to pinch myself!’

    Syk Houdeib: ‘Front-end dev… I still have to pinch myself!’

    Syk Houdeib is the quintessential transition success story: at 40, he decided to change his life around and pursue a tech career. And then went ahead and set what might well be a world record 🙂 by going from decision, from zero tech skills to the first day on the job in just 10 months.…