Category: FAQ

  • Tech careers: what are my options?

    Tech careers: what are my options?

    One of the biggest mistakes people make when considering a career transition is to think in terms of black or white; it’s all for the geeks, definitely not for them… You assume you’d quit everything you’ve ever been / known, and deep dive in the abyssal unknown, head first. Talk about nausea! In fact, there…

  • What is ‘tech’, anyway?

    What is ‘tech’, anyway?

    Over the last months, I’ve engaged in many conversations with people who expressed an interest to transition to a tech career. The question on everyone’s lips (or fingertips, in most cases): ‘What is tech, anyway?’. This is a perfectly legitimate question with an ever-evolving answer. It occured to me that I’d better address it since…

  • Why should you consider transitioning to a tech career?

    Why should you consider transitioning to a tech career?

    For sure, you have your own reasons why you’re reading this and considering the possibility of transitioning to a tech career – and I’d love to hear all about them in the comments section below! Here’s a quick outline of the things that came out of my research as I first started to entertain this…